• Support Us

We’re a small, independent charity that relies on donations and grants raised locally.

There are lots of ways to get involved in helping us raise funds so that we can continue to deliver our free advice service in east Elmbridge.

Make a donation

The easiest way to make a donation to us is online via our CAFDonate page, which is managed by the Charities Aid Foundation.

You can choose to make a one-off gift or a regular monthly payment.

We can also claim any Gift Aid too.

Raise free funds when you shop online

Start raising free funds for us every time you shop online via Give as you Live. Simply select us as your chosen charity, then every time you shop online via Give as you Live at 5,500+ top retailers, a donation will be made to us without costing you a penny!

Community support

We are very grateful to receive donations from local community groups, businesses and churches.

This money makes a huge difference to our stretched finances and also helps to promote our service to the wider community.

If you’re part of a local community group, business or church and would like to fundraise for us or could display some of our posters and leaflets then please do get in touch.

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