Email Us

Everything you tell us will be treated in absolute confidence and all records are stored securely.
See Privacy Policy for more information.

You can email us for advice using our secure online form.

We aim to respond to your message within 3 working days. For urgent advice, please contact us by phone instead.

If you do not live or work in the borough of Elmbridge, please visit to find your nearest advice centre.

We need to record information about you to help with your enquiry. We have a legitimate interest to do this. When we record and use your personal information, we only access it when we have a good reason, only share what is necessary and relevant, and don’t sell it to commercial organisations.

Enquiry Form

Email Enquiry

We need your explicit consent to store some information, including your health conditions, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and trade union membership. This is known as “special category personal data”.


Please enter an email and/or phone number:

How would you like us to contact you initially?
Note: if you select "Phone" then we may leave a voicemail. When we call you back it may show as a ‘withheld’ number.
Please upload any relevant images or document files

Maximum file size: 100MB

Can we contact you for feedback?

We want to make sure our service meets your needs. To help us understand how we’re doing and to improve our service, we may contact you at a later date to ask for your feedback. Sometimes we need a trusted research organisation to help us do that.

Feedback consent
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